My notes for updating Peter's website look more complicated than they are
I updated Peter Fiore's website (sorry again about using Peter's full name, again with google) this last weekend -- not a redesign -- just removed sold paintings and older work and that sort of stuff, so it should be pretty up to date now for anyone who's been wondering! Also worth checking out, Lisa just redesigned her website,
While Peter Fiore (forgive me for writing out Peter's name, I'm just trying to check something with Google) was out photographing some of his favorite trees, I fell in love with the geometry and textures of this old barn door along with the "Big Blue Can" and "Acorns Galore" in the last two posts. It is like love when you spot something you think might make a powerful image and then photograph it over and over until you get just the right angle and light for the perfect composition.
At long last, all is right with the world in Peter's studio. He's finally able to paint again in a cleaner and leaner studio. It's been almost 6 weeks since the great soot disaster of 2011 began and now I think we can say that it has come to an end. The beast has been quelled, to quote Peter, at least for the most part.
Here they are! Waiting to be unpacked, cleaned and put some where.
Yes, I'm making you live this day by day with us! Peter's soot disaster of 2011 lives on but is hopefully finally coming to an end. Servpro did an excellent job of unloading, unpacking and cleaning the entire storage pod yesterday. Not to mention what a great job they did with the whole building as well as our painting contractor. Now the rest of it is up to us. The studio looks great. There will be a lot of organizing in our future, but at least Peter can finally get back to work. Yay!
A quick video to show Peter's new and improved studio since the soot disaster of 2011. Servpro is here today cleaning the contents of the storage pod, that is everything they packed and moved out of the studio. Then they will move everything back into the studio over the next day or so.
Barbara Fiore started her artistic career as an illustrator and web designer and has worked for some of the world's most prominent companies and publishers. She has always been inspired by the physical and visual world of animals and nature and has discovered sculpture as the perfect medium to express her vision. Barbara lives and works along the Delaware River in Northeastern Pennsylvania with her husband, artist Peter Fiore.