This is how Fiesta spent her day

This is how Camy spent her day
Here's how Peter and I spent our day -- the power went out at 6:30 this morning. Peter trudged through the snow to light the kerosene heater in the studio and I loaded up the wood stove. We were told that we would be without power through Sunday night so after we dug ourselves out we went out and bought some more basics. I spent the afternoon melting snow on the top of the wood stove, it was surprisingly satisfying, and Peter scanned his crank radio for any news. After the sun went down we lit some candles and settled in to play some cards when all of a sudden the power came back on. What a relief and a surprise! It was a winter miracle. I was starting to feel very 19th century. We were only without power for 12 hours, but it was enough to make us stop and appreciate the magic of the wires.